
Acorn MPS provides comprehensive expert mechanical and electrical solutions for commercial and public buildings, manufacturing and processing plants. Through a highly skilled and experienced team of engineers, project managers and installers, we deliver fully accredited, first class turnkey mechanical and electrical solutions, repair, service and maintenance programmes to a diverse range of clients and projects.


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We are totally committed to delivering sustainable cost effective solutions in the commercial, industrial and residential built environments, where we understand and work with the different needs of the entire project team. We have a vast amount of in-house knowledge and experience gained over 25 years where we have become a valued member within the architectural, contracting and installation process, working together to achieve a successful outcome.


Our wide ranging expertise has been gained through working with the challenges and needs of diverse sectors and buildings from large-scale food processing plant, to an NHS hospital, a heritage building and a residential home for elderly people. The challenges are all different, as are the solutions delivered but answering these diverse challenges has provided us with a wealth of knowledge, and the ability to apply lessons learned from one sector to another, and provided cost effective and environmentally sound solutions across the board.

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With any new building, whether a manufacturing plant, hospital or residential home, there is a luxury of not having to account for residents, workers or patients in situ. Our team delivers successful solutions for many new build projects, working as part of the overall build team. It is in refurbishment projects where the expertise and experience of our team comes into its own. We understand the constraints and the more onerous health and safety issues, and the considerable experience working in environments where disruption needs to be minimal. We have developed a number of techniques and skills over the years to improve the way we work in buildings where people are present to minimise disruption and downtime.


The design and build environment is both exciting and challenging, as architects continue to push design and environmental boundaries. Additionally building regulations and government legislation ensures that buildings are as energy efficient as they can possibly be.


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Our knowledge of environmental issues, legislation and regulations is fully up to date to ensure that we comply with RIBA guidelines on applying the principles of low carbon design and refurbishment to all our projects. We have considerable experience of energy use in different types of building, and how to apply design solutions accordingly to help minimise energy demand.

Private Sector

Our activities in this sector are hugely diverse as occupation needs and building operating requirements differ.

Private Sector
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We work with our clients in whatever way they require and our input differs depending on requirement. We work with some clients purely on a consultative basis, perhaps providing layout drawings, carbon and energy reduction advice or fault reporting. For other clients we provide a complete turnkey solution with responsibility for feasibility, design, build, installation and maintenance throughout the lifetime of the building.

Public Sector

Our experience working in the public sector is considerable, and we have full understanding of the processes within Local Authority and Government and their need to run efficient, effective public services.

Public Sector
Manufacturing & Food Processing

Acorn MPS provides a full range of mechanical and electrical services needed to keep modern manufacturing plants running efficiently and cost effectively.

Manufacturing & Food Processing
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Our experience runs across general manufacturing and specialist processing such as the food and timber industries where we work with a number of major players. With some clients we act as principal contractor, and others as a sub-contractor as part of a larger project, and we are comfortable in both arenas, where our multi-project skills and experience can be valuable at any level or stage of the project.

Large Residential

Architects and owners of today’s modern, sophisticated homes demand sophisticated technology and environmental sustainability, and Acorn MPS is a key provider on many large residential projects to provide solutions to these key issues

Large Residential
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Efficient heating and cooling systems are required to meet building and environmental regulations to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency, and we are fully conversant with current regulations, and have the best technologies at our disposal to achieve these aims.

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